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A member of PGI-5 Institute for Microstructure Research and Ernst Ruska-Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons.

Electric field induced 180° domains switching in a 300nm thick layer of BaTiO3. Observation using dark-field TEM.

Research topics

As a member of Electromagnetic field mapping working group, my research topics are:

  • Strain field imaging
  • Multi-biprism interferometry
  • Semiconductors (Si/SiGe, epitaxial strain, dislocations)
  • Piezo/ferroelectrics (Pb(Zr,Ti)O3, BaTiO3), domain switching)
(a) TEM image of an array of MOSFET transistors with SiGe source and drain. (b) (220) Dark-field electron hologram. (c) Reconstructed horizontal deformation map. (d) Deformation map obtained using finite element simulation


  • Dark-field electron holography, HRTEM/STEM (FEI and Hitachi microscopes)
  • In-situ biasing, indentation (Hysitron and nanofactory holders)
  • Sample preparation by focused ion beam (FIB FEI Helios)
  • Image analysis (geometrical phase analysis, peak-find)
  • Finite element simulation (COMSOL multiphysics)


Phone: +49 2461 61 6644
Office: Building 05.2, Room 3077


Updated list of publications can be found on GoogleScholar and ResearchGate
